DEKAs all-in-one medical multivitamins

AquADEKs is no longer available in Europe. The designers of AquADEKs have created the alternative: DEKAs.


Clinically proven

DEKAs and AquADEKs are both based on the clinically proven absorption technology to increase the uptake of vitamins D, E, K and A.

DEKAs has been optimized for the EU Cystic Fibrosis Guidelines, therefore it contains more vitamins D and K.

  • EU registered as ‘Food for Special Medical Purposes’

Choose your best offer


Chocolate coloured softgels for patients from the age of 4 years. High in vitamin D3.

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€ 54,95


The non-oily peach-mango flavored liquid is pleasant to take for babies and children from 0 - 3 years.

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€ 44,95


Peach flavored chewable tablets for patients from the age of 4 years.

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€ 54,95

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